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[pages_html_vc_srsb_breadcrumbs srsb_breadcrumbs_title1=”Academics” srsb_breadcrumbs_title2=”Master” srsb_breadcrumbs_title3=”Message From The Dean/ Program Director” srsb_breadcrumbs_title3_link=”/”]
[pages_html_vc_srsb_academic_master2 academic_master2_title=”Message from the Program Director ” academic_master2_content1=”It is an honor and privilege to introduce our Executive Master of Business Administration Program (EMBA) at Sulaiman AlRajhi School of Business. It is the premier Executive MBA in Qassim designed for senior and mid-senior professionals seeking to advance their business knowledge and leadership capabilities to understand the current changing business models better. ” academic_master2_content2=”Our EMBA equips you with both local and global changing, problematic, and complex challenges facing today’s business leaders. Adopting an innovative curriculum in line with international best practices, delivered by internationally diverse, qualified, and experienced faculty members and staff, and utilizing state-of-the-art teaching and learning facilities. Our EMBA program presents the best life-long learning experience to bridge the gap between knowledge and practice for you to advance your leadership skills and take your career forward.” academic_master2_content3=”We are looking to welcome those aspiring leaders who are passionate, innovative, and ambitious to start the new challenging journey that will take them to a new era in their careers. The EMBA candidates are professionals from diverse backgrounds who bring their current experiences to the classroom and discuss business challenges collegially. At SRSB EMBA, you will have the real opportunity to engage with experienced peers and build new social and professional networks for your career lifeز” academic_master2_img=”350″ academic_master2_position=”Obaid AlMotairy, PhD”]