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[pages_html_vc_srsb_breadcrumbs srsb_breadcrumbs_title1=”Admission” srsb_breadcrumbs_title2=”Bachelor” srsb_breadcrumbs_title3=”International Students” srsb_breadcrumbs_title3_link=”/”]
[pages_html_vc_srsb_admission_bacalor4 admission_bacalor4_title=”International Students” admission_bacalor4_content=”International students are those students who got their secondary school certificates from outside Saudi Arabia. Those students are to pass the aptitude test of SRU and provide evidence for their English language proficiency at the same conditions that are applicable to new students at SRU. Otherwise they are required to pass the foundation courses that will be assigned to them based on their results on the aptitude test and the language proficiency test.”]